Sunday, November 27, 2022



The Moon Maiden arrives to offer you a new beginning, a new face and facet of yourself that is aching to be shown to the world. Those qualities that you have been quietly cultivating are ready for the limelight. The secrecy was important, for it protected your new face and kept what was precious close to your heart. But now it is time to come forward in full splendor.

Announce the new you to yourself first! Reveal it slowly to the world, like the waxing moon. Allow others to be surprised by how mature and grown-up this side of you is. Now it’s time to set yourself free. The Moon Maiden belongs only to herself, and she is summoning the parts of you that challenge convention, that refuse to be intimidated, and that cannot be tamed or put inside a golden cage.

The Moon Maiden invites you to shine with your own light, to have radiant curiosity, and to ask anyone who offers you a mouthful of dogma, “Why do you believe this is so?” Question everything others assume is a given, and do not collude with the drama around you. Become an unpredictable being yet an eminently reliable friend. The Moon Maiden invites you to answer only to yourself and reminds you that you are not anyone’s property. Be true to your soul’s calling, even as some around you, in a relationship or a job, want to capture your light inside a bottle. You know how to rise to the occasion, just as unfailingly as the moon does. When the time comes, you return to darkness and become enshrouded in mystery until you are ready to return.


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Enter the Silence and Find Your Self

Holy Week always has been a big question mark for me because of the feelings and angst it brings up in me and the age-old question: "Is God really a Being who will order any of His children to be put to death because he wanted a blood sacrifice to "save" mankind and free it from sin?

My logical mind has never been able to comprehend this, and my feeling heart refuses to believe that the Creator of this and zillions of other universes, would ever need a blood sacrifice to appease his anger. Sorry, no explanation in the world in that direction will ever make any sense to me. And so I reject it always. 

Think about this: Would any normal human being give up a child to be slaughtered for a greater good? No. Never. Because there is no greater good in this theory and level of thinking at all. These are interpretations birthed by an institution a very long time ago as a means of control over the people.  Unfortunately, this narrative is so entrenched into the very DNA of humans, it is something that may not ever disappear from history. 

We are no longer living in an old, ancient, rigid, iron-age period. We have the opportunity to change what this week means for us. We are living in very different times now.  It's a time in Humanity's history when all the old belief systems have to be questioned and dismantled. The Light of Truth is shining on the deepest darkness the world over. The physical eyes see only nightmares, bad dreams, and illusions. Most people are focused on the world as a means to not think about the real issues of the Soul and Spirit. It is unnatural and the Light will enter the mind of everyone in good time.

Think about this. Why is the world what it is today if the goal of Jesus's death was to save mankind? Shouldn't we be living in Paradise by now?

Jesus suffered in SILENCE. Seek to know why. 

All answers come in silence alone. They come in silence - when you are silent. You can sit in a church, temple, or prayer hall that is silent, but if your brain is doing cartwheels and your mind is busy scanning the world, holding conferences with other chattering minds, then you do not get to hear the Voice of The Spirit within. 

Unless we enter the silence, we will never know Christ Consciousness. And if we do not have a real Christed experience, we cannot tell anybody how to live, and who to worship, and what path they should follow. That is not our job. The only conversion that is truly valid is the conversion of oneself from the small, limited self to one that is our Higher Self. Jesus said "Be the Light" and "Let your light so shine before men that they may SEE your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."

When Jesus was being persecuted, beaten, tortured, abused, He was silent. I don't know why exactly, but that is for me to ask within my heart. 

"It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven 
without entering into ourselves." 
- St Teresa of Avila

With Best Wishes,

Lavina Olive Jain

Friday, March 26, 2021

What Is The New World All About?

Sometime in 2019, I purchased a book titled "Spiritual Philosophy for the New World" by John Randolph Price which is a "60-day Non-Human Program to Rise Above the Ego".  I was very enthusiastic about this whole idea and wondered much about the "non-human" thing.  I wasn't surprised to discover I was far from ready to begin such a process - like, way too far! I enjoyed reading the introduction though, highlighting and underlining as I read along, but sadly that was as far as I could go. However, that book never left my mind. It was filed away in some secret corner of my subconscious mind awaiting retrieval when the most appropriate time presented itself. 

It seems like that retrieval time presented itself yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about this title and decided to delve right back into it once again.

It's now a little over a year since the 2020 lockdown. That's what I like to call it. "2020 lockdown". I don't wish to give it any more importance than it deserves. It was happening. It still is happening leaving in its wake much disaster and death the world over. And it will be happening till it stops happening. Till then, the existence of the viral will be forcing us to view life from different vantage points and perspectives. Mental health is a very real problem. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to find the courage, strength, and energy to wake up, stand up and take new ongoing action steps for change. Becoming "woke" is only the beginning of seeing the reality of the world presently. Awakening is what is required to follow the "woke" process. Hopefully, humanity will reap some very good lessons from the present world scenario and understand very deeply that Change is the only way forward.  Speaking of "change" I would like to share precisely three paragraphs from this book that has stayed with me since 2019.



In 1988, hundreds of men and women around the world volunteered for an experiment in consciousness. For sixty days they were asked to live in another Dimension. Their assignment was to work in the laboratory of mind to achieve a new attitude of harmlessness and a deeper understanding of cause and effect, and then to move into the energies and vibrations of the Fourth Dimension - not as human beings but as Spiritual Beings of Light. After a period of assimilation, they were to return in consciousness to "this world" and perform their mighty works of creative expression in the third dimensional plane of materiality.

What began as a sixty-day experiment became a lifetime commitment, for the new understanding unequivocally documented the Ancient Truth that consciousness is cause and everything in the physical world is an effect of consciousness - individual and collective. The participants in this "Non-Human Program" - which is the theme for this book  - began to realize, perhaps as never before, that it is impossible to heal a third-dimensional effect with a third-dimensional consciousness. Temporary relief may be evidenced, but in time the fake plaster will fall and the old wall of scarcity, devastation, fear, and futility will again be visible. The key, therefore, is to be in this world but not of it - and not to be "not of it" means to rise into that already-fully present state of consciousness called Divine Individualism and from there to extend the Light of Reality into the world of shadows. This is what I am asking of all who have caught the vision and who are speaking the word for peace to come forth in every mind, for love to flow forth from every heart, for forgiveness to reign in every soul, and for understanding to be the common bond.

The Winds of Change. Throughout the world today men and women are experiencing a shifting of values and the breaking up of the old forms, and they are stirred to action in a great array of causes. The vision of freedom and peace has inspired millions to throw off their shackles in a new spirit of independence. And the continuing storm of overpopulation, pollution, land erosion, deforestation and shrinking water levels has united people in a powerful new wave of activism to combat projected natural disasters, food scarcities, famine, and economic depression."

- End of Excerpts -

It's a long journey from hereon, but personally, I don't think we have the luxury of not choosing to awaken. It is not going to be comfortable for a very long time because the Earth is undoing and purging herself of the deep darkness and negativity that has completely overshadowed us. As the author of the book says: "There is a massive, humanly-created, highly charged band of negative energy within the race mind that is continually projecting itself into the consciousness of individual men and women. There is "evil" that the religionists speak of and even those on the spiritual path are susceptible to it."

That should give us something to ponder on and think about how we want to experience life.  Take heart, all is well even though it appears quite to the contrary. The road ahead is paved with blessings and Spirit's Grace and Light.

Peace. Aum. 
Lavina Olive Jain

Friday, November 20, 2020

Discovering Real Truth in 2020

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." - As attributed to Jesus Christ in The Gospel of Thomas. 

This is a real-life event for me. This is an event I feel very fortunate to be a part of in this time and space reality. 2020 Is An Event of Real Truth.

One of the biggest gifts for me that has emerged from this entire pandemic experience is the recognition of real TRUTH and who the actual "Truthers" are.

Truth is the basic, foundational, all-life cure, and medicine we need in its purest and rawest form. Truth is not necessarily what the spiritual teachers, the bestselling authors, the religious people, the media, etc. advocate. Quite far from it really. In fact, this entire world experience has enabled me to see how easily a herd mentality can ruin and crush Truth. Social media, amongst a host of other situations in life, has presented to me the power of learning to discern (even if that was not their intention!) world truth from God's Truth. God's Truth is the ONLY staple now. It will not leave you till you recognize it for yourself. Truth is not going away anytime soon. It took a very long hiatus from the world of illusions and simulations, but it is back to stay. It is not going away any time soon. May as well welcome it.

Truth doesn't care about the world's definition of it. It does what it is meant to. Many saints and sages of old have shown us how. Now we are being shown first hand by Life exactly where we stand VS where Truth stands. You choose.

Today the world is dealing with the exposure of all the rot, deceit, corruption, and evil man has been rolling in as a reality. The wolves in sheep clothing who have been advocating truth for generations to us foolish and gullible "followers" are all being exposed just by being themselves in a playing field that is matchless i.e. Real Life in the Real World, which only those who have eyes to see, can see. All the carefully constructed, perfect world of illusions they built for themselves, are crumbling like a house of cards. They are just hustlers now.

As a first step, I have pressed many "unlike" and "unfollow" buttons of tonnes of pages belonging to people whom I thought were trailblazers for Truth and I am still on the job.

Truth doesn't come in a perfectly wrapped package. It comes in the form of owning one's self exactly as one is. Perfect manners and sweet words to warm the cockles of your heart is not what they are about. They actually don't have time to deal with sham niceties. Nobody likes to hear the real truth from Truthers because Truthers are not necessarily polished, pretty packages saying the so-called "right" things. They speak exactly as they see the world. They don't cater or pander to anyone's ego and they are not interested in smoothening ruffled feathers. That is why it is hard to accept them. That is why the world criticizes and shames them. That is why the world wants to make a spectacle of them. They are called crazy and nuts. See, this is the real deal: Real Truthers don't care what you and I think. They follow their heart, their sense of duty. Their heart may be all patched up and all, but the patches are badges of learning and living through all of life's experiences and knowing how to hold the lamp in their cupped palms and walk through this crazy, freaking world without spilling the oil, and at the same time casually, and with ease, observing the world around them. That is a Truther. They are unafraid.

It's time now to drop ALL the stories humanity has been suffering for eons. By now we should have developed tough skins, and forgiving hearts, not singing the same-old, same-old ancient tunes and narrating the same-old stories, and pretending we all care about these issues. No. Nobody cares. Everyone has an agenda. So stop acting like children refusing to grow up and be responsible. I was abandoned as a child (like so many others) and during my entire school life, I was taken care of by loving missionary nuns. When I was ready to step into the world and leave the cocoon, I eventually bumped into the woman who should have been my caretaker. That whole part of my life became the most challenging of my life dealing with it on a daily basis, but every day I stepped out trying to not be dragged or defined by it. However, I am blessed by the raw experience because it threw me into the unknown and depth of my own being. This is how it is supposed to happen with all of us. But most of the world uses the "bumps of life" as bargaining chips that serve no one. Grow up and Grow!

Grow up and Grow!

I conclude with a telling Truth Thought:

** Rabboni, let me follow where you go. And Jesus said, "You seek a safe retreat from evil men. There is no safety for your life with me; For evil men will take my life as they have taken John's (the Baptist). The foxes of the earth have safe retreats; the birds have nests secure among the hidden rocks, but I have not a place where I may lay my head and rest secure." **

- Jesus / The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

If you are looking for a cozy and materially satisfying world, then the Truth will sound harsh, but it is what it is, no sugar coating.

It is what it is.

With Love, Lavina

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Changing Rules Of "The Game Of Life"

"I believe we are emerging into the organic era of The Divine: the era when we will finally recognize that the laws of mysticism and nature are coded into our blood and bones." - Caroline Myss / Intimate Conversations With The Divine

I am feeling a sense of deep gratitude for everything I am experiencing at this stage in my life on Earth.  It is indeed a privilege to be born and still be alive at this time. Our presence is not accidental or random. We volunteered to be here, in the battleground, because we need to reclaim what we lost over time: Our True Self. Nothing about our experiences at present is pleasant in any way, but it is comforting to know the change that will come about, as a result, will be incredibly outstanding. I am noticing how accessible the Spirit world is becoming to me. I can feel all of my conversations with Life being two-way in its nature. The communications are becoming clearer as I pay attention with utmost delight and joy to how amazing this is. Everything in Life is designed to be a Loving Conversation between Spirit and Matter. We have been experiencing the age of darkness which was a period of concealment and temporary blindness of our true spiritual nature in a grand cosmic play called "The Game of Life", also referred to as "The Leela of God". We are moving and transiting through timelines as the game is being brought to its conclusion. This period of fear and darkness has dropped us to the deepest level of its temporary existence causing us to lose sight of our spiritual nature and the nature of The Creator God believing it all to be true and real. We made ourselves miserable trying to make it work for us. The Great Spirit projected Its perfection into us, but so did the Ego or Lucifer, the devil as it is called in the religious world. With this dual personality embedded within us, a phenomenal program was designed to deepen our soul experiences. However, most of us on this planet dropped off to sleep dreaming away dreams after dreams of an illusory nature which can also be called nightmares. Now it is time to wake up fully and remember.

The ego does not want to give up its hold on this comfortable little niche it has created for itself based on tyranny and control. It has thrived on fear and darkness with absolute ease. It is a "war" now between The Light and the dark the likes of which have enthralled us as children in stories written in the various spiritual scriptures. Darkness is an illusion created by God to facilitate the game of life as a means of confronting our own mighty spiritual nature and using it to create spectacular lives for ourselves. What looks like a major frightening experience that is being played out on Earth through calamities, death, breaking down, and destruction of the evil nature of our human personalities and of the corrupt nature of politics that ruled our world so far, is actually a cleaning-out of all that is not Truth. This cleansing has been predicted to last for a few more years. Let's just call this a major "washing machine" experience. The old paradigm is coming to an end. The game is officially over. We have to comprehend this with our Inner Knowing. There is Peace now available if you will change the trajectory of your life from the illusion to The Real.

2020, as the whole wide world will agree, will go down in history as the most momentous year of our lives as a human collective in the history of the 21st century. We are experiencing biological and chemical warfare, not to mention technological warfare as well, the likes of which are perplexing and scary, to say the least. This is nothing new. It has been used in the ancient past as well. Fear weakens our immunity system and with the presence of a man-made virus designed to do exactly that, we are engaged in an intense struggle to alchemize this darkness into light and transform our human experience. 

The year 2020 has 6 eclipses - 2 solar eclipses, and 4 lunar eclipses - which I understand is a lot for a single year. Eclipses have significant spiritual meanings that serve as guides on our physical and soul journey on earth. They serve as great guides moving us from one chapter of our transformation to the next of our soul journey. They are great motivational factors that keep us moving in the right direction. I am attaching links below that will help in understanding how this is so. *** Our next Lunar Eclipse will be on 29-30th November and Solar Eclipse (total) will be 14th December 2020

We are being challenged to the very core as individuals and as a planet in totality. Every conceivable belief and projections of darkness in our minds projected onto the world is rising up from its depths for clearing out. We are being primed for the Spiritual Era that is actually the reason we are experiencing so much turmoil. We are being called to awaken and arise from our collective and individual "memory loss" of who we truly are, which turns out to be pretty awesome (if only we can remember!).

I pray we will soon step into the very best version of ourselves. We have gone through lifetimes of every experience imaginable. May each and every Soul of every country on the planet be granted the gifts of Patience, Forgiveness, Love, and Endurance at this very difficult time as it transitions back to its original greatness before division and greed overtook the minds of the human collective.

The New Earth belongs to every single life that has been placed here. We will know when this is so as soon as we step in our Peace, Power, and our Great I Am Presence. We are all equal. No one is the greatest. There will be no superpower controlling the rest of the world. All that is over and out. It will be equality for all. We are made in the Image and Likeness of the very highest Super Power in the universe. There are no favorites.

With Love, Lavina 









Wednesday, November 11, 2020

How Do I Live In This World?

How do I live in this world and yet not be a part of it?

Living in this world can be a total nightmare. Our senses are constantly working overtime and life in general feels like an overkill. Is there an ideal way to live?


In India, it is customary for a devotee to seek out spiritual teachers until he finds the one whom he recognizes as his own God-chosen Master or Guru. The novice, through inner fitful urgings, receives lessons from various sources, but when his spiritual ardor becomes very great, God sends him a Guru. God uses the divine soul-vehicle of the Guru as His messenger or instrument to bring the novice back to his spiritual home in Omnipresence.

When Shuka Deva decided to go in search of his Guru, his father advised him to go to King Janaka, the ruler of the province. As Shuka Deva entered the royal palace he saw the king sitting on an emerald and diamond-studded golden throne surrounded by courtiers and by scantily clad women who were fanning him with big palm leaves [as is the custom in India during the hot season]. King Janaka was smoking a big oriental pipe. This sight shocked Shuka Deva; he turned back and started walking briskly out of the palace. He muttered, "Shame on my father for sending me to that matter-soaked king! How could such a worldly man be my teacher?"

But King Janaka was both a king and a saint. He was in the world, but not of the world. Highly advanced spiritually, he could telepathically sense the thoughts of the fleeing Shuka Deva. The saint-king sent a messenger after the boy, commanding him to come back. Thus the Master and the devotee met.

King Janaka put Shuka Deva through a process of discipline to teach him the art of living in the world without acquiring misery-making attachment to it. One day the king gave his new disciple two cup-shaped lamps, filled to the brim with oil. Janaka said, "Hold a lamp on the palm of each hand and enter all the gorgeously furnished rooms of the palace. Come back to me after you have seen everything, but remember, I will refuse to train you further if you spill a single drop of oil on the carpets."

King Janaka instructed two messengers to accompany Shuka Deva and to refill the two lamps with oil as quickly as they burned down. It was a hard test, but after two hours, Shuka Deva returned triumphantly without having dropped any oil from the lamps in his hands.

The king said, "Young Shuka Deva, tell me in detail what you saw in the chamber of my palace." To this Shuka Deva replied, "Royal Preceptor, my only accomplishment was that I did not spill any oil on your carpets. My mind was so concentrated on the thought of not dripping oil that I did not notice anything in the rooms."

King Janaka then declared, "I am disappointed! You have not completely passed my test. My injunctions were that you should see everything in all the chambers of my palace and that you should not drip any oil from the lamps. Go back with the lamps, and remember, no spilling of the oil while you are looking carefully at everything about the palace."

After ten hours, Shuka Deva calmly returned. He had not allowed any oil to drip, nor was he sweating with excitement as before. He could answer all the king’s questions about the contents, however minute, of all the palace chambers.

King Janaka was pleased. "My son", he said gently, "attachment to possessions is the source of misery. In this world we do not own anything – we are only given the use of things. Some have more to use than others, but remember, the millionaire and the poor man alike have to leave everything, all possessions when death comes. One should not live a one-sided life thinking only of God and neglecting one’s duties in the world – like you concentrating on the oil lamps and not seeing my palace. But on the second trip you kept your attention principally on the lamps without spilling oil, and at the same time thoroughly and minutely saw everything in the palace. So should you keep your attention on God, not letting a drop of your desire slip away from the lamp of God-revealing wisdom, and yet devote part of your attention to thoroughly performing the God-given duties of maintaining yourself and others given into your charge." **

The reason I love spiritual stories is that it is direct and straight to the point. If you follow its instructions to the "T" you will never have a single mental problem. Mental problems, unhappiness, misery all come from unrealistic expectations and self-inflicted models of living that are impossible simply because we are so disconnected from our Spirit. 

There is this (in)famous chant that America loves "Make America Great".  My curiosity has always been "Greater than who?" Why this obsession for a greatness that is impossible to achieve? You see, if the Soul is not properly anchored in Spirit nobody in this world can be great. This world that is made of senses and body forms is an absolute fabrication of the mind, a delusion, and an illusion. Where have all the people who supposedly "died" gone?

With Love, Lavina. xoxo

** Source:

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What's True For Me Is True For Me Alone

How do I know if something is true? I don't entirely. Everything we hear is an opinion and not a fact. Everything we see is just a perspective, not the truth. Hence, there have to be some strict protocols in place which one follows diligently for one's own peace of mind and personal safety.

Since I am a bit of a rebel, it needs more than just a verbal proclamation to convince me of what feels true and what doesn't. Our personal nature can either work for us or against us. Since it is capable of doing both, we have to be conscious of our Beingness and take good care of our personal energy.

In this day and age, with all the information available at the tips of one's fingers, I am still uncertain and unsure. That is quite something considering our every choice in this world is based upon either the reality of truth or the unreality of lies. In my experience, one can only judge the validity of truth by the corresponding feelings and energy that is felt immediately on making a choice,  e.g. I feel at peace when I have chosen "correctly" for myself. When I choose an untruth, there is a restlessness and anxiety that, if not checked, begins to feel very uncomfortable and uneasy. Basically, it is because I am lying to myself. It is worth mentioning here that the True Self has no tolerance for all that is not of Itself. To harm yourself in any way is an evil being perpetrated upon the Self.  The Spirit is always about Wholeness, Resonance, Harmony amongst others, and when we experience such Wholesomeness, it serves as a good barometer to rely on as we communicate and interact with ourselves and the world. I am a work in progress and it is the part of me that always saves me from my insanity a lot of the times. 

Since the declaration of the world pandemic, we have been, and continue to be put to the truth test. It is an extremely trying time and really, it's a wake-up call. It is not enough to know all of this information that we need and require especially now, but it is essential to become curious about the deeper reasons why such catastrophes are happening. We are not just a material world. We are a multidimensional one and this material world exists within our spiritual multidimensional world as well,  and though it may be unseen, it is pulsating and throbbing with ever-present life. Beginning to have an awareness that we are possibly more than just this flesh and blood is a good place to start from.  Being spiritual beings, we are subject to spiritual laws and truths as well. One of them is nothing can be fixed on the outside of our heart space or inner world. If you have an argument about that, look around. When was the last time you heard some good news about the peace and progress of the world? When was the last time you felt safe, sure, secure and well settled into yourself?

I learned rather late in life to be comfortable with truth even if it is hard to accept. During my entire life, I have been afraid to see the ugly when ugly was staring at me in the face. I painted ugliness and lies with my best paint so that I don't need to deal with it. Strange but I always thought if I pretend something didn't exist, it wouldn't.  Or if I accepted that it did exist, I was firm of the belief that in time it would go away or just disappear, or better still, there would be a huge turnaround and new changes, but ah-ha! that is really going deeper into the illusions of the mind. If at any point one doesn't feel capable of dealing with what is true, it is better to mull over it, sleep, contemplate, meditate, or pray over it, but never, never live in the illusion and ignorance that people change automatically. No, people don't, and you will find this out the hard way especially if you have allowed yourself to enter into any kind of alliance, partnership, friendship, relationship - business or personal - that you had a niggling doubt about, but chose to ignore it. You literally have to pay for it with your life. Your personal energy gets badly compromised, and you become easy bait for illness, chronic pain, and dis-ease of all kinds. 

When life gets tough, call on The Divine. 

"DIVINE WORTH. Divine Beloved, change me into One who every day remembers who I Really AM - a  living, breathing conduit for Love. May I wake up to who I actually Am: All I encounter. May I be carried by Divine Grace in every moment. May I know my true nature as Love itself.

                    - Tosha Silver / Change Me Prayers

With Love & Presence, Lavina.